Leleti Khumalo, born on 30 March 1970[1][2], is a renowned South African actress, musician, and radio presenter[3]. She is best known for her leading role in the movie and stage play “Sarafina!” and her performances in other films such as “Hotel Rwanda,” “Yesterday,” and “Invictus”[1][3]. In addition to her film roles, Khumalo has appeared in soap operas such as “Imbewu: The Seed,” where she plays Nokubonga “MaZulu” Bhengu, and “Uzalo” as MaNzuza[1].

Khumalo was born in Kwa Mashu Township, north of Durban, South Africa[2]. She grew up in a poverty-ridden area and became a member of a youth backyard dance group called Amajika, where she met her mentor, Tu Nokwe[2]. Her acting career began at an early age, joining the youth dance group Amajika and being mentored by Tu Nokwe[6]. Leleti enchanted audiences in South Africa and on Broadway when she appeared in “Sarafina!,” a production based on the Soweto uprising of June 16, 1976[2].

In her personal life, Leleti is married to businessman Skhuthazo Winston Khanyile, with whom she has twins[4][10]. The couple got married in 2012 when Skhuthazo was 40 years old[10].

Leleti Khumalo is also an activist, joining various movements and attempting to create awareness both in her personal life and career[8]. She has partnered with South African production company Video Vision Entertainment to release a gender-based violence awareness film[8].